Consejo (Real Academia de la lengua española): Parecer o dictamen que se da o toma para hacer o no hacer algo.

Si quereis mandar vuestros inteligentes consejos, mandad un mail a Agradecemos vuestra ayuda!! Fmdo. Mr Yellow
P.S. No os olvideis de firmar para saber quien manda el consejo y poder recompensarle más tarde con amor y ternura.

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018

What are you doing tomorrow?

My name is Riley. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

`Don't follow you,' said Filby.

incandescent lights in the lilies of silver caught the bubbles

that flashed and passed in our glasses. Our chairs, being his

he put it to us in this way--marking the points with a lean

or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. The geometry,

`I do not mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable

a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.'

`So most people think. But wait a moment. Can an

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